Goodness and Thank You

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم dan السلام عليكم

" Dan apa saja kebaikan yang mereka kerjakan, maka sekali-kali mereka tidak dihalangi (menerima pahalanya). Dan ingatlah, Allah sentiasa mengetahui akan keadaan orang-orang yang bertaqwa " Al-Imran : 115

Kebaikan tanpa sempadan. Baik bangsa mahupun keturunan dan agama. Biar sekecil apa pun pasti besar disisiNya. Mudah-mudahan kita tergolong dalam kalangan orang-orang yang berbuat kebaikan ikhlas keranaNya.


Dah lebih seminggu berpuasa...cepatnya alahai! Hujung minggu pertama puasa ni ambil masa sekejap balik kampung suami sambil-sambil tengok rumah yg nk sewa nanti. Alhamdulillah dah dapat kunci rumah dan terima kasih dekat mertua semua ngan adik-adik ipar yang baik hati sebab sudi tolong datang cuci dan bersihkan rumah. Malu oi tak sempat nak duduk lama cuci rumah sama-sama. :p

Bye Penang...Sekejap je pun balik kb boleh pi bantai tido :D 

Hari ni excited pegi keje, pagi-pagi lagi dah turun rumah. Maklum la semalam kan dah ambil cuti rehat :D. Tapi betul la kan malang tak berbau orang dulu-dulu cakap. Boleh pulak terpijak paku karat hari ni. Elok je jalan rasanya. Benda nk jadi. Ye la pakai flat shoes je kan..mau paku tak menusuk terus masuk ibu jari kaki. Menangisss oi malu kat orang. T_T.

Alhamdulillah dah pergi inject *yang ni pun sakit* ambil ubat semua mintak mc balik rehat. Sambung cuti lagi sehari :).*sambil rehat sambil update blog :D*

So. Terima kasih. Dekat semua insan-insan baik hati yang sudi tolong. Tolong cabut paku, picit darah tu keluar, yang tolong tadi. Family yang tolong semalam. Dan juga terima kasih buat semua yang memudahkan urusan kami. Doa saya semoga Allah Taala balas semua kebaikan mereka pada saya dengan lebih kebaikan. Ameen :)

Dan juga salam Ramadhan buat yang singgah. Ramadhan Kareem.




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May you find serenity and tranquility 
in a world you may not always understand. 

May the pain you have known 

and the conflict you have experienced 
give you the strength to walk through life 
facing each new situation with courage and optimism. 

Always know that there are those 
whose love and understanding will always be there, 
even when you feel most alone. 

May a kind word, 

a reassuring touch, 
and a warm smile 
be yours every day of your life, 
and may you give these gifts 
as well as receive them. 

May the teachings of those you admire 

become part of you, 
so that you may call upon them. 

Remember, those whose lives you have touched 

and who have touched yours 
are always a part of you, 
even if the encounters were less than you would have wished. 
It is the content of the encounter 
that is more important than its form. 

May you not become too concerned with material matters, 

but instead place immeasurable value 
on the goodness in your heart. 
Find time in each day to see beauty and love 
in the world around you. 

Realize that what you feel you lack in one regard 

you may be more than compensated for in another. 
What you feel you lack in the present 
may become one of your strengths in the future. 
May you see your future as one filled with promise and possibility. 
Learn to view everything as a worthwhile experience. 

May you find enough inner strength 

to determine your own worth by yourself, 
and not be dependent 
on another's judgment of your accomplishments. 

May you always feel loved.

By Sandra Sturtz Hauss


Touched. Just sharing a meaningful long poem.

And hello, dear May, you're finally here. Nice meeting you. I just waiting to meet you after a long time. Now it's time to refresh and restart again.

Years passed, time clicking and thanks Lord because I've been blessed with so much more than I deserve. Peace of a warm and loving family and friends. Peace of self-love and self-respect. Uncountable blessings.

For days to come, wish for a bright future, with many days of sunshine and happiness. May beauty and wonder fill the heart and lift the spirit all the days of life.

-- and dear May, please be good, nice and perfect.




Tirai 2014

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم dan السلام عليكم

Selamat pagi Jumaat dan selamat bercuti. Ambil kesempatan bulan Januari baru terhegeh-hegeh buka blog menaip. Mana hilang mood berblogging ni...*sigh*

haha. Tak apa lah. Lepas ni schedule update blog boleh la jadi 6 bulan sekali dah. Weehu! :D

Apa cerita tahun baru ni still sama corak bentuk memang tak ada inisiatif nak tukar hias dah gamaknya. Tak ada azam nak update blog seminggu sekali ke sebulan sekali belum tentu.. Eh kita tengok laa.. :D

But sebelum tu.. Alhamdulillah rezeki Allah. Thanks Nuffnang cek dah sampai semalam. And thank you jugak kalian yang menyinggah. :).

So, sempena tahun baru 2014 ni walaupun dah nak ke penghujung Januari *winkwink*, selamat tahun baru semoga setiap hari-hari kita dipenuhi dengan azam ke arah kebaikan. InsyaAllah. Salam Maulidur Rasul juga sempena dengan bulan kelahiran Nabi junjungan.

Time goes by, but life goes on
Hopin' that it gets me high

Yup, many things happened. Unexpected. :). See ya!

