Curi Masa Maher Zain

yeay!esaimen tak siap lagik!tak kire ari ni nak menulih kat belog jugak.entri lepas terbatal.hak!berpinar mata ngadap laptop, doc pdf tulisan kecik2, bengkok sudaa sendi organ tgn menaip semua.okay tipu. T__T.tapi ditemani maher zain sy tak kisah.frust bila tiket konsert maher zain kat Malaysia sold out!pergi tanya Maher sendirik knp tiket dah suh dia wat kat stadium bukit jalil pulak. stadium sultan muhammad boleh jugak kan?

eh arini bkn nak cite pasal maher zain lah. terlajak. sebenarnya pasal twitter. adakah sy lmbat alert twitter dah berubah cket? panel cari, mention, pengikut segala dah berubah kedukan. sekarang ni kita boleh cuba2 preview dulu twitter baru tu. upkan lagi nanti coming soon twitter bakal ada u tiup-tiup youtube. itu baru kan lam twitter. flickr store gamba korang jugak bakal ada. lain2 content media ada juga. bila nak launch ye.ehh betul kan flickr boleh store gambar? saya betol tatau!hadoi. :))

mari tengok dulu yg ni.ini gambar twitter versi lama

ini pula yang preview new twitter. left sidebar makin besar kan.

psstt! gosip-gosip semua tu harus diabaikan yea!fb yg sudah  lama tak bergerak. saya lah!

psst lagii...selain maher, baim catatanku ngn melly goslow dan sakha temani saya jugak. lagu mereka.
mari buat kerja lagi.tata.

 yang tulus kenyang,

ps:: kesian cik Nott ujan2 begini duduk sensorang.maaf ye.

Dah Stop Ber'belog' Dah

waahh tajuk posting macam dah tanak menulis dah lam belog sulking! macam tu boley kah?hihi..oh tidak begitu.pengumuman :blog ini tidak akan ber'update' (padahal mmg tak selalu berupdate pun kan hoho ) karana puan punye belog akan menghadapi final exam tak lama lagi yakni kurang lebih 2 minggu dari sekarang. Justeru, setiap saat, waktu dan ketika hatta minit sekalipun  akan digunakan untuk last minute study dan menyelesaikan esaimen plus projek a.k.a tugasan yang telah melampaui batas itu.hahaha!oyd, masa saya kesuntukan utk mengupdate belog.maaf!

Ok abaikan ayat-ayat cinta yg tidak tersusun rapi tersebut.doakan saya juga rakan2 yang lain spy dpt menjawab soalan dgn pantas, betul, jitu dan cemerlang. :). ampun maaf segala terkasar ayat bahasa ye!
Tataaa! Assalamualaikum dan jumpa lagi di lain siaran.

Yang 'rajin' update,


p/s:: miss cik Nott mucchh!!

DiGi iPhone 4 Life

i | ii | iii | iv

Hoyyeh hoyyeh come to me come to me
come the yellow come to me!
Go away RED
Go away GREEN
i dun want RED
i dun want GREEN
All i need is YELLOW
the one for me!

Hoyyeh hoyyeh come to me come to me
My hero is coming
come to me
yummmy yummy
u are the one
u look sooow tempting!!

Hoyyeh hoyyeh come to me come to me
stay here
right beside me!
wink wink

Hoyyeh hoyyeh come to me come to me
dun worry
Paul will choose both 
u n me

Hoyyeh hoyyeh come to me come to me


p/s::finish all.thanks digi n nuff.


DiGi iPhone 4 Real

ok guys.. my new entry for DIGI third task.

First. moh kita nengok plan dari DIGI yang tertera di bawah ni.. *zoom untuk kesan yang berkesan*

Terkejutkan macam mana DIGI boleh bagi harga terendah sebanyak RM58 untuk plan iDIGI 88? Sila percaya..!
Actually, DIGI offers three new plans for their customers; 

iDiGi 88

iDiGi 138

iDiGi 238 

And what I love about DiGi iPhone 4 Plans is becoz it offers suitable rate that fit me much. Yes, Im not a postpaid user yet. Currently stick to prepaid plan. However, after seeing the postpaid packages from DIGI, it makes me hesitating to use prepaid anymore!
Laughing smileySmilie laughing

Yup! FnF gimme funs! I love to have extra-extra-extra talks with my Mom and Dad. My gurlfwens my boyfwens extra-extra! heh! That rate is sow incredible for me laaah! Talk more, pay less with DIGI.
Jum juget-juget gumbira!

Smoking rasta dancing banana

Btw, for more details please visit DIGI a.s.a.p! 


DiGi iPhone 4 Play

source Google

Yo yo yo !
iPhone 4 comes again.
Now, lets choose our favorite application from iTunes App Store. Which one I prefer most..?
First of all, iPhone 4 as we know comes out with many new features and application .
My favourite application???
mine choose:

Apps for students. I prefer 

iStudiez Pro


Because I'm still a student. 
I need to organize myself.
I need to schedule  all my task.
I need to track the deadlines of my assignments also, plan my homeworks.
I wanna go out, shopping, movies, 'lepaking', dating with my girlfwens, many more.
Need to plan well such things.

I don't want miss lecture and lab anymore.
And of course,

stay on course for the  big EXAM.
Be C.O.O.L girl.
 YES. The other important features for me is "calendar". 
and the kuruss thinner iPHONE will help me out so much!!


source Google

